Shanghai, China
Ran Ran 2022: Songs of the Return Art Season – Youth Artist Exhibitions
Xin Yunpeng was shown in the 2022 RanRan Art Season, the fruits of the project — RanRan: Songs of the Return, and awarded with the 2022’s RanRan Young Artist Prize.
It kicked off in the landmark area of Xintiandi in downtown Shanghai on Dec 3, a center of fashion lifestyle and commerce in the city over the past two decades, showcasing more than 50 artworks, created by 23 artists. The place collaborated with art institution UCCA to start the three-year RanRan project that nurtures and supports young contemporary artists through a series of competitions, residency programs, art seasons and cross-over collaborations. Series of exhibitions and public events, which will run through Feb 5, 2023.
Hong Kong, China

Still from Xin Yunpeng, Faucet, 2018. Dual channel video, 1’24″ each

Xin Yunpeng was shown in exhibition 'On-Going' with other artists presented by DE SARTHE, which is an inaugural group show to announce DE SARTHE's new location. The show brings the audience on re-exploration of DE SARTHE featured artists’ significant evolvement through their artistic practices in the past 6 years.

UCCA Edge Shanghai
Shanghai, China
The Pieces I Am
Xin Yunpeng was shown in "The Pieces I Am", an exhibition presented by UCCA and Douyin Art, together with 26 other Chinese and foreign artists and groups. The exhibition features artworks in various audiovisual mediums, including digital video, electronic games, interactive installations, and more. The exhibition collects slices of mediated, fragmented contemporary life, unfolding into an expansive reading of humanity's digital existence.

辛雲鵬和26位國內外知名藝術家及藝術組共同參展由UCCA 和 Douyin Art攜手呈現的展覽《集光片羽》。展覽作品涵蓋數字影像、電子遊戲、交互裝置等形式多元的視聽藝術作品,聚焦多界面切換狀態下的當代生活切片,由此展開對人類數字生存圖景的全息讀解。
Beijing Friendship Store
Beijing, China
Beijing Biennale – Brave and Bright
One Atelier
Beijing, China
Art: Through the Window
Xin Yunpeng was shown in Art: Through the Window, featuring works from international artists with diverse media in the space furnished by design, and to begin a dialogue between "oneself and the outside world."
Beijing, China
March 26th – April 26th 2022
Xin Yunpeng was featured in WishinART’s first exhibition "Jing Zhì" in Beijing, two of his artworks, 20130329 and Faucet were displayed at the exhibition. The exhibition extends the meaning of the word “Zhì” from its pronunciation to a series of words, as to present a kind of art like Beijing, described as having a kind of straightforward crispness and a lot of meticulous thoughts, a foreign style in the local area, arrogant but not pretentious, enthusiastic and ambitious yet polite and reasonable... a mix of historical stages, classes, ethnic groups and tastes, accommodating all kinds of old and new problems. 
辛雲鵬的兩件作品《20130329》和《水龍頭》參展了WishinArt在北京的首個展覽“京Zhì”。 展覽將“Zhì”字的含義從讀音延伸到一系列詞語,以呈現一種像北京一樣的藝術 — 被描述為有一種直爽的爽快和很多細緻入微的思想,一種融合外國風格的本土文化,高傲而不矯揉造作,熱情雄心,禮節通情……混合了歷史階段、階級、民族和口味,包容了各種新舊問題。
Bucharest, Romania
Garage Sale
June 22nd – September 6th 2019
Xin YunPeng's work "Left and Right: Hesitation" was displayed in the group exhibition "Garage Sale" in Bucharest, Sandwich Gallery. The exhibition was a part of The Great Romania - China Friendship Cafeteria which was started in Beijing in 2018 and is headed for a bright future governed by solidarity. 
辛雲鵬先生的作品《左右猶豫》在布加勒斯特三明治畫廊的群展 “Garage Sale” 中展出。 該展覽是2018年在北京啟動的The Great Romania - China Friendship Cafeteria的一部分,該項目具有一個有潛力的願景。
Guangdong Times Museum
Guangzhou, China
The Racing Will Continue, The Dancing Will Stay
June 22nd – August 18th 2019
Xin YunPeng's work was featured at the group exhibition "The Racing Will Continue, The Dancing Will Stay" in Guangzhou, Guangdong Times Museum. The exhibition begins by interrogating historical narratives that reduce China in the late 1970s to a period of continued collectivism and points to the contradictions that arise from the process of constructing political visions. 
辛雲鵬先生的作品被展示於廣州時代博物館的群展《比賽繼續,舞台留下》。 此展覽首先詰問1970 年代後期的中國變成持續集體主義時期的歷史敘述,並指出構建政治願景的過程中衍生的矛盾。
New Everbright Centre
Guangzhou, China
May 15th – July 15th 2019
Xin Yunpeng's work was featured in New Everbright Center's "Jing"-- a group show that aims to capture the magnitude of Beijing’s essence. "Jing" is both the character for "capital" and describes the numerical unit 10^16. Centering around this concept, the exhibition emphasizes the grandiosity of the city's presence. The variety of work produced by the 14 different artists capture their own memories of and experiences in the city in a range of unique voices, creating an immersive space that really amplifies the spirit of Beijing.
辛雲鵬的作品展示北京新光大中心的聯展《10^16個十百千萬億兆京》(《京》)。此展覽主要想捉捕到北京的本質。 “京” 在表示首都的意思同時也是10^16這個數量的單位——與這個概念為中心,這次展覽強調北京隆重的氣場。多種樣的作品來自十四位不同藝術家,各自以獨特的方式和角度呈現出自己為北京懷著的記憶和經驗,創造出一個十分讓人融入的環境,放大了北京的精神。
LangKong Art Museum
Beijing, China
May 1st – May 30th 2019
Xin Yunpeng's work was featured in 798 Art Zone's contemporary group show "Imprimatura" in Beijing. Produced by Xu Dong and Li Xiaonong, this exhibition is the inaugural show of the LangKong Art Museum after renovation. It initiates disclousures around the originality and multimediality of contemporary art, featuring an array of works from ten Chinese contemporary artists, diverse in painting, sculpture, installation art, and video art.
Hunsand Space
Beijing, China
Stop Making Sense
June 23rd –  August 30th 2019
Xin YunPeng's work "Oblivion" was featured in the group exhibition "Stop Making Sense" at Hunsand Space in Beijing. This exhibition is inspired by the same name documentary by Jonathan Demme, which recorded Talking Heads, the band showing in the Pantheon Theatre for three consecutive nights in Hollywood in 1983. There are 11 artists, including Xin Yunpeng, participating in this exhibition for showing a sense of "coincidence" through their works.
辛雲鵬的作品《遺忘》 被展示在北京的拾萬空間的群展《不作意義》中,展覽靈感來源於喬納森·戴米(Jonathan Demme)拍攝的同名紀錄片,影片記錄了Talking Heads樂隊1983年在好萊塢潘太及斯劇院連續三晚的演出。群展共展出十一位藝術家的作品,包括辛雲鵬,他們將通過作品表達一種「湊巧感」。
33 Contemporary Art Centre
Guangzhou, China
September 29th  – December 6th 2018
Xin Yunpeng's work "Progress" and  "Left and Right, Hesitation" were featured in 33 Contemporary Art Centre's group exhibition "Oscillation" in Guangzhou. By studying the self-consciousness of images in video works, this exhibition extends the discussion of the logic of exhibition from the ontology of video media. "Oscillation" is not an eclectic attitude, but a volatile value, a kind of "shock" and "fluctuation"; it involves the motivation of video language, the effectiveness of conceptual expression, and the reflection on the deep meaning of video works.
辛雲鵬的作品 《進步》及《左右猶豫》被展示於廣州33當代藝術中心《游移—新媒體影像藝術展》中,此展覽通過研究影像作品中影像的自我意識,從影像媒介的本體延伸出對於展陳邏輯的討論。 “游移”並不是一種折衷的態度,而是一種搖擺不定的價值,一種“震盪”和“波動”;它涉及影像語言的動機、觀念表達的有效性,以及對影像作品深層意義的思考。
De Sarthe Gallery
Hong Kong, China
Reversal Ritual
March 23rd  – May13th 2017
Xin Yunpeng's work "20140128" was featured in De Sarthe Gallery's group exhibition "Reversal Ritual" in Hong Kong. It is a group exhibition organised by gallery directors Willem Molesworth and Vincent de Sarthe to inaugurate the new Hong Kong space. The show references to the comically festive events depicted by 16th century novelist François Rabelais, Bakhtin, who asserts that the carnival was an expression of an alternative world liberated from the social, political, cultural and religious structures of the time. The exhibition aims to highlight how several young Chinese artists have begun to express themselves through similar means in reaction to the newly established order of Chinese society. 
辛雲鵬的作品 《20140128》被展示於香港德薩畫廊的群展「儀式逆轉」當中,是次展覽參照了二十世紀俄國文學評論家Mikhail Bakhtin受到十六世紀法國小說家弗朗索瓦・拉伯雷(François Rabelais)筆下趣怪節日活動啟發而發揚光大的「狂歡荒誕」(carnivalesque)概念,認為充滿著幽默,諷刺、怪誕的嘉年華在傳統上代表了一個從當時的社會、政治、文化、宗教權力結構中解脫,繼而短暫建構出來的「另類世界」(alternative world) 。參與展覽的藝術家以米哈伊爾・巴赫金(Mikhail Bakhtin)這個帶點烏托邦思想的論述作為基礎,透過同樣荒誕的手法回應正在急速發展成形中的新中國社會秩序。
Red Brick Art Museum
Beijing, China
This Future of Ours
March 23rd  – May13th 2017
Xin YunPeng's work was featured in Red Brick Art Museum's group exhibition "This Future of Ours" in Beijing. This exhibition aims to examine ways of considering our present reality from the perspective of the future. The “ours” indicates a more open-minded way of seeing the world that is not based on existing identities. Artists’ thoughts and perspectives on reality provide possible ways for viewers to understand, approach, and intervene in the broader social reality. 
Galerie Paris-Beijing
Beijing, China
Exotic Stranger
March 13th – April 29th 2016
Xin YunPeng's work "20130329" was featured in Galerie Paris-Beijing's group exhibition "Exotic Stranger" in Beijing. This is a group show curated by the acclaimed independent curator Bao Dong, which brings together fourteen artists (mostly born in the 70’s under the one-child policy) who are all active in the renewal of Chinese Contemporary Art Scene.
From the eyes of a curator coming from the same generation of the exhibited artists, "Exotic Stranger" gathers a bold and eclectic selection of works, ranging from video art to painting, photography and installation and attesting to the formal variety that characterises the art scene in China today.
辛雲鵬的作品 《20130329》參加了巴黎北京畫廊在北京舉辦的群展「陌生之外」。 這是一個由著名獨立策展人鮑冬策劃的群展,匯集了十四位活躍於中國當代藝術復興的藝術家(大多是70年代一孩政策時出生的)。

Kunstmuseum Bern
Bern, Switzerland
Chinese Whispers: Recent Art from the Sigg & M+ Collections
February 19th – June 19th 2016
Xin YunPeng's work was featured in Kunstmuseum Bern's Group Exhibition "Chinese Whispers: Recent Art from the Sigg & M+ Collections". This show provides a deeper insight into China’s art scene of the past fifteen years. Also, the exhibition serves an opportunity to explore the vast country through the eyes of Chinese artists. It follows on to ”Mahjong“, the internationally acclaimed show held at Kunstmuseum Bern in 2005. It was the hitherto most extensive exhibition of Chinese contemporary art in the west.
辛雲鵬的作品參加了伯爾尼美術館的群展「中國私語─烏利・希克與M+希克收藏展」。 是次展覽深入地了解了過去十五年的中國藝術界。 此外,展覽還提供了一個機會,讓觀眾通過中國藝術家的眼光探索廣闊的國家。它是繼2005年在伯爾尼藝術博物館舉辦的享譽國際的“麻將”展覽之後,迄今為止西方最廣泛的中國當代藝術展覽。
Hunsand Space
Beijing, China
DRUG – Group Exhibition of the Chinese and Foreign Artists
July 16th – August 28th 2015
Xin YunPeng's work was featured in Hunsand Space's Group Exhibition "Drug- Group Exhibition of the Chinese and Foreign Artists". It is curated by the famous American cultural scholar Mike Miller, who has great enthusiasm with the atypical artists in the non-mainstream culture. In his opinion, the exist of these artists is as the same as the “drug”. The valuable point is not that they have a system work but the lives of these artists themselves were full of absurd. Their works are just the small part of the absurd life. They don’t take it for a living but just for fun.
Beijing, China
Live At
April 11th – May 17th 2015
Xun YunPeng's work was featured in Intelligentsia's group exhibition "Live At". This exhibition is described with treating every artwork work is not a simple, objectified "object", that is, not expressed for the sake of expression, not displayed for the sake of showing, nor is it for the purpose of proving something, but for the purpose of communication, they are "living", which put more emphasis on participation and interaction. Therefore, the whole project exists for the purpose of communication, and it requires the participation of different types of audiences.
辛雲鵬的作品參加了由北京智先畫廊舉辦的群展「活的」,這次展覽被形容為 —— 每個作品不是簡單的、對象化的“物品”,也即它不是為了表達而表達,不是為了展示而展示,也不是為了證明某種東西,而是為了交流,它們是“活的”——更多強調參與和互動。所以,整個項目,是為了交流而存在,它需要不同類型觀眾的參與。
AMNUA No.0 Hall
Nanjing, China
Polyphony II – Ecological Survey of Chinese Art - Beijing
September 26th –October 24th 2014
 Xin YunPeng's work was featured in AMNUA No.0 Hall's group exhibition "Polyphony II – Ecological Survey of Chinese Art - Beijing". This exhibition aims at focusing keywords including "success", "dream", "stance", "value", as to raise questions to the society. At the Beijing station, the AMUNA asks this question, "Are u an artists when you have achieved success?".
辛雲鵬的作品參加了由南京藝術學院美術館舉辦的群展「復調II─中國藝術生態調查-北京站」。這次展覽的概念在於通過聚焦“成功、理想、立場、價值”等關鍵詞不斷對社會進行發問。 到了北京站,南藝美術館則再一次找到問題的延續:“你成功了,還是不是藝術家?”
Antenna Space
Shanghai, China
Nihilistic Belief
Xin Yunpeng was shown in the group exhibition Nihilistic Belief, together with artists Guan Xiao, Hou Yong, Kong Lingnan, Liao Fei, Lu Pingyuan, Su Wenxiang, Wang Sishun, Wu Ding, Xin Yunpeng and Xu Qu. Each of the installations in the show echoes the exhibition theme from particular perspectives, hence inciting a re-discussion about "Mono-ha" in search of innate support for solving the present crisis within the debris of nihilism.
Space Station
Beijing, China
A Room Not of One’s Own
An experimental exhibition A Room Not of One’s Own is to be held by Space Station from June 21st to July 13th, 2014. The exhibition, organized by Fu Xiaodong, includes 22 artists’ works and aims to criticize the political rights of private space and to transform individual’s daily life.  The exhibiting works show how the artists think and implement towards the studio, the private living space; they are the process and result of the transformation of private space.

Rice University
Houston, USA
You Are Damn Wrong
April 10th – April 20th 2014
Xin Yunpeng's work was featured in Rice University's group exhibition "You Are Damn Wrong". This exhibition is a joint undertaking between young minds in both China and Houston, it expands themes by forging a bridge across nationalities. Recreated and reimagined by Rice University and University of Houston students, the newly mediated artworks explore what it means to translate, in both a literal and figurative sense, the political conditions of another culture.
辛雲鵬的作品參加了萊斯大學的群展「錯的是你」。 本次展覽是中國和休斯敦青年人的共同創作,通過搭建跨民族的橋樑,拓展主題。 由萊斯大學和休斯頓大學的學生重新創作和重新構想,新的媒介藝術作品探索了從字面和比喻意義上翻譯另一種文化的政治狀況的意義。
PIFO New Art Studios
Beijing, China
Too Smart to be Good? The 7th A+A
The curator BAO Dong uses ‘too smart to be good?’ to describe works of these six artists, for their sensitivity and intelligence. This is a daily word that contains two levels of rhetorical irony. If you use smart to evaluate an artist’s work, which usually means you have to praise his/her intellect, meanwhile, you still doubt the value of intellect. In fact, ‘smart’ is always unconsciously equated with ‘petty trick’; in the context of art, smart can merely bring some tips. People are always expecting more about art: its profound sociality, political correctness, authentic experience and ultimate sensory effects, etc. ‘Smart’ is considered as a means to achieve the goals. What if we put ‘smart’ at the first place to survey art? This exhibition attempts to present that these artsits are clever, more precisely, their sensitivity and handling power towards the unsettled world. Intellect is no longer just seen as an intellectual tool, but will be stripped out as an independent object to be discussed from rhetoric and criticial theory.

《聰明壞了》 A+A第七回展
Taikang Space
Beijing, China
Groundwork Community
June 27th  – August 17th  2013
Xin YunPeng's Work "Internal Supply" was featured in Beijing Taikang Space's group exhibition "Groundwork Community". In this exhibition, it touches on the most essential parts related to the basics of modeling, some meta-forms: the most basic lines, squares, cylinders and cones; some simple colors: black and white, or the inherent nature of the original color; some basic materials: metal, wood, and their inherent textures. etc. The exhibition leads the audience to present and observe them in a concentrated manner, as if entering a community.
Ullens Center for Contemporary Art 
Beijing, China
ON | OFF: China’s Young Artists in Concept and Practice
January 13th  – April 14th  2013
Xin Yunpeng's work "No Problem" was featured in Ullens Center for Contemporary Art's group exhibition "ON | OFF: China’s Young Artists in Concept and Practice". The installation No Problem consists of a mechanical bull, similar to those found at carnivals, placed in an inflatable arena 5 meters wide. However, the ride has been modified to deflate the moment participants chose to ride it, and returns to normal as soon as the rider is gone. In this way, Xin Yunpeng creates an imagined opposition that is never actually realized.
辛雲鵬的作品《沒問題》參展了由尤倫斯當代藝術中心舉辦的群展「ON|OFF─中國年輕藝術家的觀念與實踐」。他通過頻繁地重設規則以嘲諷權力關係以及習以為常的行為模式。 《沒問題》由一個直徑5米的氣墊和放置在其中用於狂歡節的機械公牛組成。經過重新設計之後,參與者一旦騎上牛背裝置便會立刻癱軟,觀眾離開牛背裝置又會恢復原狀,辛雲鵬以此構建出一種無法實現的對抗。
V Art Center
 Shanghai, China
September 5th  – October 18th  2012
Xin YunPeng's work was featured in V Art Center's group exhibition "Sensation". In this group exhibition, nine unique artists from different creative aspects took “the emotions of their language skill during the period of art education” as the creation proposition and converted it to different artworks, finally became a whole “Art with Emotion”, be permeated with unconventional atmosphere field.
辛雲鵬的作品參加了北京視界藝術中心舉辦的群展“藝用情感展”。 是次展覽中,九位不同創作領域的藝術家以“藝術教育時期語言技能的情感”為創作命題,將其轉化為風格各異的作品,最終攢成了一個盛著"藝用情感",洋溢著非常規氣氛的現場。
Today Art Museum
Beijing, China
XXX——Next Ten Years of Contemporary Art
November 26th  – December 1st  2011
Xin Yunpeng's work was featured in the group exhibition "XXX - Next Ten Years of Contemporary Art" at the Today Art Museum in Beijing. This group exhibition not only manages art works and documents, but also the relationship between the works and the exhibition space, and even the presentation of the entire exhibition. By seeking this multi-level presentation, they wish to discover the trend of contemporary art in the next decade.
辛雲鵬的作品被展示於北京今日美術館的群展「XXX─下一個十年的當代藝術」當中。這個群展除藝術作品和文獻資料之外,對作品與展示空間的關係的微妙處理,甚至於整個展覽的呈現方式,也納入思考視野之內,以求多層面呈現, 發現當代藝術的下個十年的動向。
National Art Museum of China
Beijing, China
Image, History, Existence – Taikang Life Fifteenth Anniversary Art Collection Exhibition
August 20th  – September 7th  2011
Xin YunPeng's work was featured in National Art Museum of China's group exhibition "Image, History, Existence – Taikang Life Fifteenth Anniversary Art Collection Exhibition". The exhibition is divided into three parts the past, the present and the future, representative works of China’s modern and contemporary artists concentrating on Taikang Collection Systems are shown.
Taikang Space
Beijing, China
51 m2: 16 Emerging Chinese Artists
March 19th  – April 16th  2011
Xin YunPeng's work was featured in Beijing Taikang Space's group exhibition "51 m2: 16 Emerging Chinese Artists". This exhibition is seen not only as the continuation and supplement of the "51 m2" project, but also as the beginning of a new way for Taikang Space to continue focusing on the proposition of young artists' creation.
辛雲鵬的作品參加了北京泰康空間的群展51 m2: 16位年輕藝術家。這次展覽被看作是“51平方”項目的延續與補充,也是泰康空間在如何持續關注年輕藝術家創作這個命題上的一種新的方式的開始。
Morono Kiang Gallery
Los Angeles, USA
It's All True
May 21st  – July 9th  2011
Xin YunPeng's work was featured in Los Angeles Morono Kiang Gallery's group exhibition "It's All True". His work is the exhibition is described as about the conflicting yet complicit roles that religion, alcohol and money play in Chinese society today. Consistent with his previous works, the work explores the irony of yet another oddity in contemporary life in China. 
辛雲鵬的作品參加了洛杉磯Morono Kiang畫廊的群展「這一切都是真的」。 他的作品被描述為是關於宗教、酒精和金錢在當今中國社會中所扮演的相互衝突但又同謀的角色。 與他之前的作品一致,這件作品探討了中國當代生活中另一個怪異的諷刺。
1a Space
 Hong Kong
I Am Here Beside Kai Tak Waiting for You!
May 20th – July 20th  2011
Xin YunPeng's work was featured in Hong Kong 1a Space 's group exhibition "I Am Here Beside Kai Tak Waiting for You!". This exhibition explores the intersection between Mainland China and Hong Kong, by incorporating five artists, it aims to connect the collective memories of Hong Kong citizens and rebuild the imaginary towards Hong Kong.
辛雲鵬的作品參加了香港1a空間的群展「我喺啟德機場隔離等你話我知!」。 本次展覽探討中國內地與香港的交錯,通過五位藝術家,連接香港市民的集體記憶,重建對當下香港的想像。
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